These were published in ON THE GO, a paradigm-setting underground graffiti magazine that really made some noise in it’s short, brilliant run in the mid-90s. The mag’s founder, ESPO, has since blown the fuck up and become one of the most influential street artists on the planet. Pretty much every OTG alumni has gone on to do great things in the NYC underground. Jimmy Fingers. Max Glaser. Ari Forman. Cosmo Baker. The list goes on.

At the time these were published (1996), I received some funny death threats from Jamaican and Japanese B-Boys, and battle challenges from angry white DJs all over the world – basically, everyone who couldn’t take a joke. So if you’re thinking about sending me some hate mail over these, don’t bother. It was all said 20 years ago.

There is one final 2-page comic that never got published that is rumored to be appearing in the hardcover coffee table book ESPO, Jimmy Fingers, and Ari have been working on for the past year or so. We shall see.

Click on these for bigger images. Resolution on the first 3 is bigger than the other 2. YOU try finding a thunderbolt adaptor for your 1995 Syquest drive…




  1. by Cami on July 6, 2016  9:20 pm Reply

    Jeg elsker jazz!Min onkel er trompetist pÃ¥ DR, og min faster spiller klassisk tværfløjte i SjsiÃlandl/T¦voli symfoniorkester :DSÃ¥ jeg er ikke bleg for at høre lidt af hvert, kan man sige!

  2. by Latasha on July 8, 2016  6:01 pm Reply

    Great article but it didn't have ev-githynreI didn't find the kitchen sink!

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